Archive for October, 2013


Thursday, October 24th, 2013

I do not understand geolocation. The word didn’t appear in our readings, so I googled it and found definitions from various sources that essentially amounted to this: geolocation is locating objects based on their geographic situation.  Which basically sounds like mapping, ie, placing a “pin” on a map in google maps.  But we just did […]

My Map

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

I had a lot of fun making my map.  I started with my house, since that’s where I spend most of my time.  Then I just tried to think of important things that happened in my life and where they happened, so I chose my secondary school, my elementary school, my boyfriend’s house, etc.  I […]

Federal Employee Polio Vaccines

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

I started off my research with a nice online game of Kings Corner.  But I realized that wasn’t getting me very far, so I decided to try Google instead. I started by searching “1950s federal polio vaccine,” which resulted in nothing useful.  Then I tried “federally mandated polio vaccine” (also useless) and several others.  I […]