Archive for September, 2013

Preserving Family History

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

Oh gosh.  This is a big question.  I’m glad to say that I’ve already started preserving my family history, and I wasn’t the first one.  My dad’s first cousin Rick started doing family history research before the era of the Internet, and his mom, who lives a few hours from my immediate family, still has […]

Ethics/Legality of Shorpy

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

I’m going to start off being completely honest and let you know that I feel like the legal concepts we learned about in the readings for this week went completely over my head.  Much to my former-lawyer-father’s dismay, this is something I’ve always struggled to understand.  It’s as if legality goes in one ear and […]

Research Question

Friday, September 6th, 2013

Looking over my topics from last week, I realized that the first one, my linguistics interest, would be essentially impossible to research from the standpoint of primary sources (that is, language development is a slow process, so people don’t realize it’s happening, and therefore there are no primary sources on the topic).  Because of that, […]

History Interests

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

One thing that has always really interested me about history is linguistic history, specifically the history of phrases and idioms.  When I was in middle or high school, I remember reading a chain email that contained the supposed history of several phrases such as “graveyard shift” and “raining cats and dogs.”  I have no idea […]